Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Gerry - Croatia - 2 year old female Labrador/Collie Cross - in foster in Northampton


In Croatia to grow up in a culture that deems you surplus to requirements, vermin, something that can be used, beaten and to do what you wish knowing you will get away with it, means strays just like this angel are targets for the cruelest forms of animal abuse in Europe.

Gerrys Story:

This poor dog has had to endure bricks and stones being thrown at her, beaten, targeted by bullies since she was a tiny pup. her only refuge each night was a rescuers home where she stayed but had to be put back on the streets in the day as the authorities if they found out would throw the rescuer out of her home. 

Each day that went by the rescuer hoped that as the number of animals she was allowed to keep in her home would find forever homes , Gerry finally would know safety during the day as well as the night.

This went on for over a year until finally this lovely dog could be taken into a yard along with some other dogs, this then gave her a chance of finding a forever home as she could be vet checked, vaccinated but also her character properly assessed. It was shortly after this that Gerry got her lucky break. A lovely couple from the UK agreed to foster her and so she was brought to safety and at last had the joy of living in a home full of love and care.

Gerry is in foster where there are 2 other resident dogs. They are bigger than her yet she adores them and will run around playing with them all day. When out she is no problem if strange dogs approach her. Recently, with the weather being so good Gerry has been introduced to the river near the fosters home .. and she loves it !! So, whoever gives her her forever home needs to be prepared for a very wet Gerry if she is taken near water, but it will be worth it to see the look of joy on her face !!
Gerry loves human company, whether it is playtime or 'cuddle' time. This special girl now needs a forever home though. She is becoming very settled in her foster home and her foster family love her but in order for them to help another of our urgent cases they know they have to let her go. Could you be that special family that Gerry needs, could you give her the love and care she so needs and deserves.

Fully Vaccinated ( Inc Anti Rabies)
Vet checked

EU passport

Transported to DEFRA standards